Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Life in the early 21st century

Once when I was backpacking in Europe (which doesn't happen often enough because I'm not rich), while in Venice, Italy, a fellow traveler at the hostel we were staying at, saw me writing in a journal.  She asked me if I kept a journal as a matter of course. I looked at her as though she had three heads, and I told her, 'no.' She asked me why not, and I replied that I was only keeping a journal during my trip because honestly, nothing interesting ever happened at home that was worth making note of.

As of late, I've rather changed my mind on the matter.

I'm an artist, specifically a medical animator. I work freelance from home, I like writing, and am trying to finish a novel that I'd like to see published. I'm married (he's an artist too) and we have a black lab named Sammy who likes to lay right behind my desk chair (which is where he is right now).

We're trying to get out of debt. Private art college will put you fairly deep in the hole (ask me another time about how stupid that was). I'm not much of the gambling sort, but I suppose we might have beat the house for once. We'll see how our hand plays out in the long run.

I'm allergic to dairy and to soy. It really kinda sucks. I can't eat regular chocolate, and pastries are off limits. As is cheese, butter, cream, sour cream, etc., and a whole host of other food stuffs. My husband is gluten intolerant, it causes him digestive problems and his excema to break out. We're quite a pair when we go out to eat (which doesn't happen often since we're trying to get out of debt). If I ever get back to France, it will be a sad day when I peer into the Patisserie and can't buy anything except a plain baguette.

I've tried to learn Spanish, French, German, Italian and Japanese. I'm very good at English, but not so much at any other language. A smile and a hand gesture will go a long way though.  I'm planning on going backpacking in Scotland in a couple of years, and at least most of them speak English there. Well, sorta. 

I despise liars (and therefore most politicians) and do not belong to any political party. If you're a Democrat, I'll probably make you mad at some point. If you're a Republican, the same applies to you. It's my blog though, so if you don't like it, get over it or move along.

I have this insane notion that all people are created equal, that you determine the outcome of your life, that we should all mind our own business, and that we have plenty of laws on the books as it is and we don't need any more.

Here it is, The Life of (and if you're wondering, my initials look like 'pi' when written quickly). Honestly, it fits, as I can be fairly irrational sometimes.

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